Grade 9 Israel Experience Day 8: Masada, Dead Sea & Tel Aviv

By Zoe E. & Batya H.

This is what it looks like to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to hike Masada before sunrise!
The view was stunning and what a great experience that we were fortunately able to share with our class!
After our Masada journey we were ready to explore the Dead Sea!
We floated and tanned!! (not pictured)
Our arrival at Tel Aviv! We went on a lovely walk on the beach!
That evening started Yom HaZikaron- Israeli Memorial Day. We were joined by Rinat, a teacher in Israel and former IDF soldier. We had a moving and informative conversation with her about her experience in the I.D.F and her present life.
Once Rinat wrapped up our conversation we went on to the roof to listen to the Yom Hazikaron siren that sounded all over the country. We saw many cars pull over to observe the siren and show their respect.